You can now also order your very own CUSTOM quote art sign here!
Did you guys think I’d forgotten about these?
‘Course not!
On the contrary, I’ve actually been working away (granted, in my “sloth/snail fusion” kinda manner) on this new round of free printable quote art since I published my original post.
And now I’m super excited to finally share them!
I stepped a little sideways with these dictionary inspired signs which give a nod to the canister labels I designed back in 2012!
I ummed and ahhed for ages over whether I could pull these off. They are a little more quirky and unusual than the book page style quotes. They were also much more difficult to come up with! Do you know how hard it is to try to capture the essence of a quote using a single word?
I first researched the context and implied meaning of each quote (where possible) then tried to choose the “prettiest” synonym of the most appropriate word. Of course, quote meanings can be very personal, subjective and even ambiguous so I did need to take some liberty with my interpretations. I’m sure some of you might have chosen very different words though I hope what I came up with resonates for the most part.
In this bundle I’m offering 18 free printables in total. Yes, people…18!
There are three different quotes available in three different colourways (chalkboard, sepia and off-white) AND in both landscape and portrait orientations!
As per my book page quotes, these are all excellent quality, high resolution, large-scale images designed to fit standard large (60cm x 90cm/24″ x 36″) poster frames. For your convenience, I’m also offering them in both PDF and JPG formats.
Some of these quotes were selected from those shared in the comments section of my original post – thanks so much to everyone who took the time to divulge their favourite quote! I’ll keep referring back as I create fresh quote art so if your suggestion wasn’t featured this time around it may still be used in future designs.
If you have a quote you’d like to see featured, please share it in the comments below.
I hope they bring your walls joy!
For further information about printing or framing these images please refer to my original post. And, as always, if you have trouble or are unsure of anything, feel free to ask.
If you’d like to save this project for later, please feel free to pin the below image.
Free for personal, non-commercial use only.
Reproduction, republication or redistribution in any form is forbidden.
Absolutely love these, thank you for making them available.
You’re so welcome Bec :)
Love, love, love all your printables! They are continually spot on. Thank you. :)
Thanks Deb :)
Your work is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for your generosity!
I love these, too. Thank you for making them available. Words inspire me.
These are all incredible!! I love them all! I agree with Shar…you are so generous for offering these to us!! Here is one quote I dearly love. I have it in an enormous wall quote at home but would love to see it done like this. It goes: “A man lives but one life, a man who reads lives a 1,000.” I have no idea who said it but it’s one of my favorites!
Thanks Karen. What word would you put with this one? Vicarious? Imagined? Maybe even Knowledge or Power? Will have to think more about it!
Ooh, just thought that Footsteps might be cool!
How about Adventure?
Yes, that would be sweet too!
Love the quotes you picked! I’ve been looking for a large piece for my living room…I just found it! I love the unconditional quote…beautiful Thank you so much.
Fantastic. You’re welcome Leslie :)
These quotes are fantastic! My heart has been looking for such quotes for special people in my life. These quotes couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you so much.
Grandma Joan
Thank you so much for sharing! I can’t wait to incorporate them into my home!
I appreciate how much work it was for you to make these available to us, thank you! Wonderful selection of quotes, particularly the Margaret Wise Brown, love it!
That is a special one Linda :)
Kristine thanks for sharing, you did great job. I just love it my fave is devotion.I am following you from Slovakia , all the best,Erika
Thanks Erika. It’s so lovely to have blog friends from all over the world.
The Margaret Wise Brown quote is particularly special and timely what with Mother’s Day fast approaching! Your work is quite beautiful and very special ~ thank you for sharing and for being so generous with your talent.
Yes, you’re right, I didn’t even think about Mother’s Day when I chose that one! Thanks Melinda :)
Well done Kristine! Love them! Thanks so much for making them available. Looking forward to framing a few of these to use in my home. We are collecting pallet wood for that purpose!
Oh yay. Thanks Jane :)
Thank you for these quotes. Just wondering were you sourced the beautiful frames from?
Hi Michelle
Would you believe that the frames are actually cheap faux wood-grain laminate ones I found at my local discount store. I distressed them then stained them to look like reclaimed wood. You can see and read more in my original post here: https://thepaintedhive.net/2017/03/diy-over-size-book-page-quote-art-with-free-printables/.
Beautiful Kristine! How generous of you. Love your work, as always.
Thanks Sharon :)
So beautiful – love them!
Every time i come to your blog i see something new, interesting, amazing and unique and that is why i bound to come to your blog. Now the ideas you have presented here are truly awesome. The painting is giving an amazing feel and looking very vintage. I am just loving the collection.
These are so wonderful!! Oh my!🤗 I know everyone has said it, but I must say it again, this is so generous of you to share! You are truly an artist. And, I literally cried when reading the Runaway Bunny quote! I read that book to all 4 of my children when they were young, and have not thought of it for years, oh where has the time gone. 😌❤️ What great memories! Thanks for sharing all your talent and creativity! Can’t wait to make one!
Aw, so sweet Janel. You’re welcome and I’m glad you like them :)
I am so in love with these! But, I can’t get them to download. I don’t have Chrome or cloud. Is there another way? thank you!
tried to delete the above…figured it out. thank you, love them. I am a little fussy about what goes on my wall, and these are going there!!!
Fantastic. Thanks Beverlee :)
Oohhhhh…. I’m in love! Thanks so much for doing these, Kristine. I always love your work.
These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
Your work is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing and making them available. Loved all your printables.
Wow…. the quote arts are amazing. These quote arts are very inspirational and motivational. I am definitely gonna try these on my home decoration. Thanks for sharing a new idea to including in my home decor.
Thank you for these! I love them! Are you willing to share the fonts you used? Whatever you chose, you chose perfect fonts, as well, which make the print so authentic.
Sure Kim. The font is “1820 Modern” which is a premium (paid) font though you can find similar free ones if you search for “Fells Type” fonts.
Thanks, Kristine. I cannot choose from what you have made . I see now that you are offering custom creations. You’ve got me obsessing about tbis, trying to think up new dictionary stuled book passages. I’ve got one for “Radiant”, if you want to use it!
Sorry for typos! Once I decide, I’m goi g to ask you to make them for me!
Thanks for your comment and email Kim. Yes, I love the “radiant” suggestion! Next time I create a new set in this dictionary style I will be sure to include it :)
Thank you for sharing your printable inspirational quotes with us at Vintage Charm. They are truely beautiful.
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.- Dr. Suess
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.”
—Eric Roth
“Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”
– The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams
Hi Karen
Not sure if you saw though I have included The Velveteen Rabbit quote in my latest round of free printable signs. You can find it here.
These are awesome! Great idea and design. Visiting from Vintage Charm party.
Hello there. My husband is a bee keeper and I just love the name of your blog!! You are so inspiring.
Have you considered using bible verses? There are many little nuggets of wisdom in the book of proverbs such as “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established. Through knowledge it’s rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24v3-4 NLT. You could look at different translations of the same verse, but there are many beautiful quotes in Proverbs. Your home is gorgeous and I can see it’s a real labour of love!
Hi Lynley
Thanks so much.
Yes, I have read some very poetic Bible verses which carry lovely messages however as I’m personally not religious I’m not sure whether sharing them is the right thing to do. What do you think?
These are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for being so generous and sharing them with us!
I appreciate your thoughts Kristine. I am a Christian and would personally have no problem with you sharing some quotes. They are meant to be shared and your work would showcase them beautifully.
I’ve recently discovered your sight and absolutely love what you do!! What a talent you have! Reading the comments above, I would love it if you would post some bible verse quotes as well. :)
Thanks Heather. Glad you’re enjoying my blog. I’ll have a think about it :)
can you make the Attitude one from Charles Swindol?? I adore it and would love it in my bathroom.
Hi Karen
If you’d like I can create a custom file for you. Feel free to email me directly and we can discuss further: [email protected].
Hey I would really like a certain quote print out. Would you be able to do that?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Yana
Sure thing. Feel free to email me directly: [email protected].
Thank you so much! I am doing the unconditional, devotion, and the Antoine de Saint-Exupery ones on my living room wall. I’ve been staring at that wall for a long time wondering what to do.
Oh yay! I hope you love the finished look. Feel free to send me a pic ([email protected]). I’d love to see :)
I love everything that you have shared. I fell in love with book quotes about a year ago when I saw them in a shop at downtown Disney. My favorite being The Velveteen Rabbit. After seeing the price I decided I could DIY and I did but I used my silhouette for the cutting and did a 24×36 put it on a mat board from Hobby Lobby and it is one of my faves in my home. Thank you for the quotes you have shared.
Hi Melinda
Yes, that’s a great option too if you have a vinyl cutter (I need to get me one of those!). I love the Velveteen Rabbit one too and have actually already created a few printables using that quote which I hope to share soon.
Made my heart skip a bit!
Oh how I hope I can follow your wonderful directions; am TOTAL novice at this.
This may be a geographical saying but here goes,
I love you
a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck
And a hug around the neck.
He counts the stars
And calls them by name.
Psalm 147:4
Lovely suggestions Sue. Let me know if you have trouble…am happy to help :)
I love this! Thank you so much, Kristine! The Devotion print really speaks to me- I’m a sucker for children’s lit. Thank you, thank you! Oh, do you know the Roald Dahl quote? “If you think good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” That’s a great one. There is also the piece from Proverbs which ties in so well with your blog name: “Gracious words are like a honeycomb- sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Anyway, I enjoy your blog so much. Your projects are delightful!
Yes, that Roald Dahl one is super sweet and seems quite popular. I will probably incorporate it in one of my future releases. So glad you like them!
I love these? How do you get them do you order or print them yourself ?
Hi Vanessa
These are available as FREE digital downloads designed to be printed and framed yourself. There is some info about printing and framing in my blog post. They are all sized to fit standard poster frames :)
If you’re after something custom I do offer tailored printables which can be purchased through my shop here.
Hi Kristine-
As someone who’s designing their first place, I fell in love with your blog! Is there any download link for the off-white background only (without text)? I have a few of my favorite movie quotes that I would love to create.
Onto building the frames next!
Hi Kayla
Sorry, I don’t have the backgrounds alone available as downloads from my blog though I can certainly email you one directly – just let me know. Otherwise, it’s pretty easy to find free ones online. Have a Google around for “free high resolution paper textures” or something similar. You should find lots. They will still need to be enlarged if you plan to make huge posters like mine though the quality loss should be minor. Another option is to make your own texture. Simply age some paper (using the tea stain method is an easy way to go) then take a good quality photo of it or scan it at high resolution (if you have a scanner).
Hope this helps.
This is anazing, giving, selfless, truly trying to expose rhe world ro what youve curated. You have my utmost respect.
Thought. Are you familiar wirh rhe HIgHLY dorky business “aspirarion” and a team will be rowing a boat ….well since its 2017, we’ve got a workplace riddled with inequalities in gender race, disabilities, age, generation gaps. Perhaps if you look om Linked In (by all means check my page I LOVE to follow people who inspire), but the prints you make are more 2017 than what Ive seen in various offices.
One of my most favorite (which really applies to tou here) walter Payton “when you think you’re good, you tell everyone. When they think you’re great, they tell you” – these personal and professional lessons and practives need airtime again. I think youve got it in the bag!
Hi there, I came across your site while looking for some new art for our home. These prints are so charming, and I love the text you chose to represent each word. I just wanted to mention that the word “unconditional” should be broken up as such: un-con-di-tion-al (just a shift of that “t”). I hope you don’t take my comments as being patronizing… I, too, am a “part-time perfectionist” :-). Your home is lovely, by the way. You have a talent for making the rooms look very inviting!
LOL, thanks so much. Yes, as mentioned, I am only a “part-time perfectionist” so I do make mistakes – plenty of them unfortunately! Ha, ha.
I just used the phonetic break-down which includes “dish”. Oh well :)
These are so great! Thank you for sharing!
All of the above x 100. So generous of you. Many thanks.
If I wanted one for my bathroom would you recommend putting a matt varnish to protect it from condensation? ?
Debs x
Hi Debs. Hmmm, I’m not certain that a matte varnish would provide enough protection against the moisture. The paper would probably end up waving. You might be best to decoupage it onto the backing board so it’s thoroughly adhered and then seal it with maybe three – four coats. Otherwise, keep it behind glass :)
I will gladly subscribe !! I love the fact that you are not so pretentious to think we do NOT need a great tutorial so Thank you for providing an excellent one!!!!
I never subscribe to sights like these because, well….because I don’t usually like them well enough to get emails from them. :-) But this sight…..this sight was different. Its ideas are inspirational, classic and just down right GOOD! Thanks for sharing with everyone! No0w….if I can figure out how to download the printables. This is not my forte’ and I’m worried I can’t figure it out.
Thank you so, so much :)
If you have any trouble feel free to ask. I’m happy to help.
Hi! Are these still available as free downloads? I tried to unzip the files and it’s telling me the files are not found. Thanks!
Why can’t I print it 🤦🏼♀️ I want the unconditional quote in portrait/chalkboard. Thanks!
Feel free to email me Heather and I’ll do my best to help. If you’re using a mobile device that may be the issue as they often have issues with large files, zipped folders and PDF’s :)
I cannot thank you enough for sharing your talents and creations. Your generosity is so appreciated. I have printed and framed the Velveteen bunny in 24×36 and love it!
How small can you print and still ge a quality outcome?
Thanks so much. You can down-scale significantly and still get great quality as long as you maintain the same aspect ratio.
I find myself coming back to your sight for further inspiration, a lot. Simplicity and charm are two of my favorite things and you have the key to them both. I have made one or two of your project and I get more complements on them, than anything I have ever bought. Keep up the great work and we will follow anywhere. (PS: What is your favorite “go to” paint for rooms?)
Thank you so much :)
If I’m not mistaken, I’m guessing you may be based in the US? Just from the way you have spelled ‘favorite’. We have different paint brands here in Australia and my go-to for interior walls is usually Dulux Wash ‘n’ Wear.
Absolutely stunning work. You’re SO GENEROUS for sharing these free prints . Thank you again
You’re so welcome. Glad you like them :)
An excellent site for inspiration and guidence.